So how does it work?
Do you have an idea for a software that could make life a lot easier for small businesses?
Start building your software and connect it to our API and help our customers to become more successful! Our API is full of possibilities and well documented , so it should be a hassle free journey. However, if you should get stuck, our support will help sort out any of your problems.
Great. Your software is completed, connected to our platform and ready to launch. But first, we need to review it. We have to be certain that everything is in working order before we let the customers activate or buy it.
We will check your software, look into the integration, check out your landing page , your contact info, pricing and User agreement . You also have to accept our App Partner agreement . Don’t worry, we will guide you every step of the way.
Congrats, your software is now part of the Fortnox Integrations, a great place to reach new customers! When we publish your integration we will inform our organisation and let our sales teams know about all benefits with your product. If you want to make your own marketing, that’s fine by us. But please, let us review and approve your marketing messaging first.
In Fortnox Integrations there’s a section for recommended integrations. Of course, everyone wants to be top priority. However, there are a few criteria that have to be met first. You need a minimum of 10 active customers and your integration needs to have a minimum 3-star average rating. It’s not that hard, right? So get 10 customers and make sure they’ll rate it, we will then help you to get more customers!
When your software is available in Fortnox Integrations, we’ll make sure you get paid. The customer will get a 30-days free trial of your app before it’s time for the first payment. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of all subscription issues and the customer will be charged in the same way as for all our other products, on either quarterly or annual payment terms
For every customer payment, you will get 75% of the revenue. 75% is the standard rate but exceptions may apply.
The remaining 25% will cover for:
Marketing to approximately half a million customers
The backend sales system
The subscription backend
Our recommendation engine (the algorithm will find and recommend to similar customers as the current ones)
Customer insights, who is buying and using
Statistics about activation and purchases
How about that? No time to lose. Start building your app today and let’s help small businesses become more successful – together!
Boost your software with the power of Fortnox
”Collaboration with Fortnox has been really rewarding and an exciting journey. We feel that the Fortnox API is easy to work with, well developed, flexible and provides great opportunities for building customized solutions for our mutual customers. The API support is quick to help and answer questions, it is noticeable that they care about their integration partners at Fortnox!”

See our comprehensive documentation regarding the Fortnox API.
Approximately half a million customers are waiting for your integration at our Integrations page.